Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis combines consequence modeling with event probability information to generate measures of risk.
Quest is experienced in many forms of risk analysis and risk assessment in order to meet our clients’ needs. We perform varying study types, from a simple qualitative or semi-quantitative method of risk analysis called risk ranking, up through a full quantitative risk analysis—QRA. We also provide risk-based design assistance through various applications of risk analysis and risk assessment.
Risk assessment utilizes the results of the risk analysis to determine when further mitigation or system changes are justified. Both the analysis and the assessment are crucial.

Quest provides the process industry with the expertise and resources to understand the hazards and corresponding risks in any petrochemical facility or operation. This success reflects Quest’s technical expertise and 30 years of experience.
Our risk analysis results have been presented and successfully defended in public hearings and accepted by regulatory agencies worldwide.
Next Section: Facility Siting Studies