CANARY by Quest – Consequence Analysis Software
CANARY by Quest makes advanced consequence and hazard modeling look easy.
Provides thermodynamic calculations for mixtures of up to 10 components and a database of over 250 components. The component database and thermodynamics model allow CANARY to handle many types of mixtures and materials, including:
- Light hydrocarbons
- Heavy hydrocarbons
- Aromatics
- Toxics
- Refrigerants
- Liquefied
A full list of materials is provided in PDF form here.

CANARY integrates multicomponent thermodynamics into the time-varying fluid release simulation. These simulations account for
CANARY includes application-specific hazard models:
- Vapor dispersion
- Fire radiation
- Vapor cloud explosions
CANARY allows the user to define the hazard endpoints:
- Gas concentration
- Radiant flux
- Overpressure
CANARY combines source term models, hazard models, and user defined parameters, which allows users to determine the extent of toxic gas clouds, flammable gas clouds, thermal radiation effects, or explosion overpressure (blast waves).
CANARY has a wide range of applications; the software package is flexible and intuitive such that it can be applied to almost any consequence analysis. The flexibility allows users to model releases from pressure vessels, atmospheric tanks, well bores, pipelines, and more. The design and interface allows users to enter and run a case in a matter of minutes. CANARY is useful for many process safety applications:

- Planning for emergencies
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
- Facility Siting and Layout Studies
- API RP 752 for building siting
- API RP 753 for siting portable buildings
- Locating and sizing facility vents and flares
- Code Required Consequence Analysis Studies
- Safety Cases
- Transportation Risk Analysis
- Pipeline HCA Analysis
Purchase CANARY
by contacting us about pricing and training.
- Planning for emergencies
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
- Facility Siting and Layout Studies
- API RP 752 for building siting
- API RP 753 for siting portable buildings
- Locating and sizing facility vents and flares
- Code Required Consequence Analysis Studies
- Safety Cases
- Transportation Risk Analyses
Purchase CANARY
by contacting us about pricing and training.

Next Section: Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD)