When you partner with Quest, experience is on your side.
Below we have listed representative projects for the following services. These are just a few of the projects that describe the range of our work.
Facility Siting and Layout
API RP 752 and 753 Building Siting (United States and Canada)
Building siting studies utilizing both consequence analysis and quantitative risk analysis to assess the siting of occupied building.
49 CFR 193 Compliance (USA)
Consequence analysis for required design spills and fires at multiple existing and\nproposed facilities. FERC-required siting calculations also completed.
LNG Facility Siting (Angola, Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad, Yemen, and various offshore locations)
Compliance with NFPA 59A, CSA Z276, EN 1473, or NOM-013-SECRE-2004; consequence analysis for required design spills and fires for several proposed import and export terminals.
Building Assessment (United States)
Quantitative analysis to determine the potential toxic and explosion overpressure impacts to occupied buildings at a major refinery.
Office Building Location (Canada)
Quantitative analysis of risk to an existing office building due to the proposed expansion of an oil sands processing facility.
Building Siting Study (Thailand)
Quantitative risk analysis for occupied buildings within and around a refinery’s aromatics complex.
Pipeline analysis (United States)
Quantitative risk analysis for existing gas transmission and hazardous liquids pipelines near proposed school sites. Studies done to demonstrate acceptable risk on school site to satisfy state regulations.
HVL Pipelines (United States)
Consequence analysis for highly volatile liquid (HVL) pipelines to comply with DOT IMP regulations. Information applied when the pipeline passes through high-consequence areas.
Control Room Siting (United States)
Building siting study at a natural gas/NGL processing facility to optimize the location of a replacement control room.
LNG Spill and Fire Tests
Allison Controls
Conducted a series of large-scale LNG spill and fire tests for this maker of high expansion foam generators. Of particular interest was the effect of high expansion foam on vapor dispersion and fire control.
Mine Safety Appliances
Conducted a series of large-scale LNG spill and fire tests for this maker of high expansion foam generators. Of particular interest was the effect of high expansion foam on vapor dispersion and fire control.
U.S. Coast Guard
Provided the overall test plan, instrumentation, data collection, and data reduction for a major series of large-scale LNG spill and fire tests conducted for the USCG in the late-1970s.
American Gas Association
Provided the overall test plan, instrumentation, data collection, and data reduction for a major series of large-scale LNG spill and fire tests conducted for the AGA in the mid-1970s.
LNG Safety Short Courses
U.S. Department of Transportation
Developed a one-week course to familiarize government pipeline inspectors with the U.S. federal requirements for LNG facilities. Conducted the course for the DOT’s Transportation Safety Institute every year since 1982.
49 CFR 193 Code Compliance Course
Developed a two to three day code compliance course for operators of LNG facilities. Conducted the course at an LNG export facility and at an LNG import terminal.
Principles of Liquefied Gas Safety
This one-week course was developed by, and is taught by, Quest personnel. Since 1981, this course has been conducted more than forty five times, at various locations worldwide.
Liquefied Gas Safety for Plant Operators
Prepared and conducted several two-day short courses for operators of liquefied gas facilities. These courses emphasized practical methods for minimizing the hazards posed by the specific liquefied gases utilized in the clients’ facilities.
LNG Facility Inspections and Safety Audits
DOT Office of Pipeline Safety (United States)
Conduct annual inspections and pre-startup safety audits for this baseload liquefaction plant and export terminal.
LNG Peakshaving Plant (United States)
Conducted a pre-startup safety audit of the North Plant prior to plant commissioning.
LNG Satellite Plant (United States)
Conducted 49 CFR 193 code compliance audit of an LNG satellite plant, in cooperation with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
DOT Office of Pipeline Safety (United States)
Served as technical advisors to the Alaskan DOT Office of Pipeline Safety during pre-startup code compliance audits of a small liquefaction plant and a baseload satellite plant.
Miscellaneous LNG Studies and Projects
LNG Import Terminal (United States)
Served as DPC’s LNG safety consultant during meetings with the Central Pollution Control Board, a special committee convened by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, and representatives from India’s print media.
LNG Satellite Plant (United States)
Served as technical advisors to the Montana Public Service Commission (MPSC) during the design and siting phase of a baseload satellite plant.
LNG Export Facility (United States)
Served as Yukon Pacific Corp. (YPC) LNG safety advisor during FERC hearings and public hearings in Valdez.
U.S. Coast Guard (United States)
Prepared a comprehensive safety analysis of the marine transportation of LNG.
Research & Testing
Superheated and Subcooled Liquid Releases of: Water, Freon-11, Chlorine, Methylamine, and Cyclohexane
A series of experiments using water, Freon-11, Chlorine, Methylamine, and Cyclohexane as test fluids was conducted for the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). The purpose of the experiments was to determine the behavior of superheated liquids as they were released from pressurized storage to the atmosphere. The amount of liquid falling to the ground (rainout) and the amount remaining in the vapor stream (aerosol) were measured as a function of storage temperature, storage pressure, and release orifice diameter. The data from the experiments was compared to the predictions of the CCPS “RELEASE” model. Based on the results of the comparison, enhancements to the “RELEASE” model were developed.
Sulfuric Acid Releases
Releases of alkylation sulfuric acid and emulsions of sulfuric acid and alkylate were released to determine the amount of sulfuric acid that would fall to the ground when released from a pressurized stirred vessel. The tests, conducted as a Petroleum Environmental Research Foundation (PERF), and showed that little sulfuric acid enters the air stream upon release.
Hydrogen Fluoride Releases
Releases of anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen fluoride mixed with proprietary additives were conducted to determine the effectiveness of the additives in suppressing the formation of an airborne aerosol. Tests were conducted over a two-year period to determine the effectiveness of the additives as functions of temperature, release rate, and additive concentration.
Risk Analysis
HF Alkylation Units (Australia)
Comparative QRA. Full QRAs of three proposed hydrogen fluoride (HF) alkylation units were performed in order to assist the client in deciding the lowest risk option.
Anhydrous Ammonia based Fertilizer Plant (Canada)
QRA of anhydrous ammonia storage and processing for producing an agriculture fertilizer. Study was subject to regulatory review and approved.
LPG Import Terminal (China)
QRA of LPG terminal and storage operations on the Chinese coast.
LNG Import Terminal (Italy)
QRA of proposed LNG import terminal in an existing industrial port. Full study was subject to regulatory approval. Project approved.
LNG Import Terminals (Mexico)
QRA and additional risk-based studies completed in support of multiple LNG import terminals in Mexico. Studies performed during design and layout stage where risk-reduction recommendations were implemented. Both projects approved by Mexican regulatory authorities.
Sour Gas Pipeline System (Saudi Arabia)
QRA of natural gas gathering network containing hydrogen sulfide. Study used to identify high risk areas along pipeline right-of-way.
Grassroots Refinery (Thailand)
QRA of conceptual refinery project on the Thailand coast. Risk reduction recommendations incorporated into final
design. Full study approved following World Bank review.
Transportation of Refrigerated Hydrogen (United States)
Transportation QRA of refrigerated hydrogen trucking routes. Alternate routes compared in order to develop the
lowest risk option.
LPG Storage Depot (United States)
QRA of propane refrigerated and pressurized storage depot as well as evaluation of tank truck and railcar loading and unloading operations. Full study was subject to legal review and approved.
Sour Gas Gathering Network (United States)
QRA of sour gas well system and gathering network. Study subject to US EPA review and approved.
Consequence Analysis
Alkylation Unit (Australia, Israel, United States)
Consequences of hydrogen fluoride releases from alkylation units.
Gas Plant (Bangladesh)
Gas plant consequence analysis to support siting considerations.
Floating Facility (Mexico, United States)
LNG release and dispersion calculations for floating facility.
Carbon Dioxide Pipeline (Spain)
Carbon dioxide dispersion calculations for a carbon capture pipeline network.
Storage Facility (Saudi Arabia)
Fuel depot tank fire calculations using computational fluid dynamics.
Natural Gas Pipeline (Thailand)
Natural gas pipeline release and dispersion/torch fire calculations.
Hydrogen Pipeline (United States)
Hydrogen release and dispersion calculations for an interstate pipeline network.
Transportation (United States)
Acetone cyanohydrin release and dispersion analysis for releases from railcars and barges.
Coal Gasification (United States)
Coal gasifier/carbon capture hazards and consequence analysis.
Offshore Platform (Venezuela)
Marine vent/flare dispersion/radiation calculations.
- LNG Import and Export Plants (Australia)
- Sulfur Recovery Unit (France)
- LPG Storage and Truck Loading (Mexico)
- Crude Unit (Philippines)
- Polypropylene Plant (South Africa)
- Chlor-Alkali Facility (United States)
- Catalytic Fuel Cell (United States)
- Cryogenic Nitrogen Removal (United States)
- Synthetic Coal Process (United States)
- LNG Liquefaction and Export Plant (United States) – Revalidation HAZOP
- Light Cycle Oil Hydrodesulfurization Unit (United States)
- Butane and Pentane Isomerization (United States )
- Vacuum Distillation and Delayed Coker (United States)
- Amine Treater (United States)
What If?/HAZID
- Offshore LNG Liquefaction and Export Plant (Australia, Nigeria)
- Gas Plants (United States)
- Gas Metering Research Facility (United States)
- Coal Gasification Power Plant (United States)
- Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (United States)
- High Pressure Gas Reinjection System (Venezuela)
- LNG Import, Export and Peakshaving Plants (Australia, Canada, United States)
- Sulfur Recovery Unit (France )
- Ethane Cracking Facility (Middle East)
- Vacuum Distillation and Delayed Coker (United States)
- Polypropylene Plant (South Africa)
- LNG Liquefaction and Export Plant (Australia)
- LNG Import Plant (Canada)
- Training (France)
- Butane and Pentane Isomerization (United States)
- Gasoline Additive Unit (United States)
- Pre-HA – LNG Import and Export Plants (Australia, Egypt, Nigeria, Trinidad, Angola)
- FMEA – Offshore Oil Production Platforms (United States, North Sea)
Computational Fluid Dynamics
LNG Export Facility (USA)
Consequence Analysis of LNG export facility. Quest used FDS to simulate the potential extent of flammable natural gas travel associated with select releases of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into impoundment trenches. The CFD model took into account the flow, heating of refrigerated liquefied gas and vapor cloud travel.
Storage Facility (Saudi Arabia)
Quest used CFD to simulate the impacts of a storage tank release on nearby storage tanks.
LNG Storage Facility (USA)
Consequence Analysis of LNG export facility. Quest used FDS to simulate the potential extent of flammable natural gas travel associated with select releases of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into impoundment trenches. The CFD model took into account the flow, heating of refrigerated liquefied gas and vapor cloud travel.
Carbon Dioxide Pipeline (USA)
Worst case scenario of a carbon dioxide pipeline release in different terrains. CFD used to simulate a dispersion behavior.
Pipeline (USA)
Worst case scenario of a NG pipeline release on a school building. CFD used to simulate a torch fire on school building.
Next Section: Clients